In Plain Sight - A City Care Podcast

City Care inspires those willing to look social injustice and extreme poverty in the face, and empowers them to do whatever it takes to create change.

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Episode 13: That's a wrap!

Thursday Dec 05, 2019

Thursday Dec 05, 2019

Season one of In Plain Sight is a WRAP! To celebrate, we are replaying our most listened to episode of the season--our interview with Mayor David Holt. 
Thank you for tuning in. To learn more about City Care, please visit

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019

City Care CEO Adam Luck joins the show to give an update on the past year's work at City Care and offer his perspective on the critical conversations happening across our city regarding how to care well for others. Listen in!
To learn more about the Community First! Village, check them out here. 
To learn more about City Care, please visit 

Monday Oct 21, 2019

We are so proud to introduce you to City Care's director of homeless services and supportive housing, Dr. Debbi McCullock. She joins our team with more than 30 years of professional and personal experience serving and caring well for others, particularly our friends on the margins. She helps remind us we never know what pieces of our shared stories offer guideposts for others. Listen in!

Monday Oct 07, 2019

In this episode, we are bringing you the audio from this year's The Odyssey Project film, featuring the inspiring story of mother-daughter duo, Misty and Jayla. There is power in home. We hope you will put faces to the voices you hear by watching the film in its entirety at

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019

What does it mean to be a good keeper of the pieces? In this episode, we are pleased to bring you an interview with Amy Newberry, City Care Board Member and expert [read: applied doctorate in clinical psychology, etc.] in caring well for those who have experienced trauma. She will inspire and empower you to create change in your community by being a good keeper of the pieces. Listen in!
Join us, won't you? The [third annual] Odyssey Project is October 5, 2019, and we would love to see you there. To purchase tickets, please visit

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019

We are honored to interview Kori Hall, an expert on issues related to homelessness in Oklahoma City. She will help us unpack some of the most common experiences for those living unsheltered and offer insight into families experiencing homelessness. Listen in!

Monday Aug 19, 2019

We are so honored to share this interview with you. Baruc Lara is a City Care intern and former Whiz Kid with a story that invites us all to personally consider the power of positive disruptions in the lives of others. Listen in.
Disclaimer: Grab your tissues-- this is a good one!

Monday Aug 05, 2019

We are excited to bring you our interview with Britanie Ramirez, director of City Care's Whiz Kids program, on the power of positive disruptions.
Whiz Kids is a faith-based, one-on-one volunteer tutoring and mentoring program that focuses on first through sixth-grade students in areas with the highest drop-out rates and lowest socio-economic levels in Oklahoma City. Whiz Kids is both proactive and preventative in nature, targeting students who are reading below grade level and who could benefit most from a mentor relationship with a caring adult.
To learn more about Whiz Kids, please visit

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019

In Episode #5, we are pleased to bring you an interview with Shawn Loyd. He share his personal story of feeling hidden in plain sight and what made him feel seen. Listen in!

Thursday Jun 13, 2019

We are over-the-top excited to welcome Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt to the podcast. His commitment to #1OKC and reimagining how our city cares well for those on the margins is inspiring, and we are eager to continue to work with him to create change in our community.
For more information about City Care and to connect with us, please visit

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